Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Alveolo-palatal Postalveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Plosive p b t d ʈ ɖ c ɟ k g q ɢ ʔ
Nasal m ɱ n ɳ ɲ ŋ ɴ
Trill ʙ r ʀ
Tap/flap ɾ ɽ
Fricative ɸ β f v θ ð s z ɕ ʃ ʒ ɧ ʂ ʐ ç ʝ x ɣ χ ʁ ħ ʕ h ɦ
Lateral Fricative ɬ ɮ
Approximant ʋ ɹ ɻ j ɰ
Lateral Approximant l ɭ ʎ ʟ
◌͌ ◌͋ ◌̃ ◌͊ ◌͉ ◌̼ ◌̪͆ ◌̥ ◌̊ ◌̟ ◌͡◌ ◌̻ ◌ʰ ◌ˢ ◌ˡ ◌ⁿ ◌̞ ◌ˀ ◌ː (C̲̅)

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